Sunday, 4 May 2014

Weekend Fun!

I love our weekends in the summer months, as we have more time to go out and do things as a family, as there are no rugby games on a Sunday for our eldest son. Although I don't watch many of the matches, as our two ASD children find it a difficult environment to be in each week with the volume of people and length of time that it lasts, now that there is no more rugby until September, we can all go out and enjoy an activity that suits everyone's needs.  

Today has been our first rugby free Sunday and from the tantrums that occurred this morning in our house, it is clearly going to take our daughter a few weeks to get used to having her brother and Dad around.  She is used to the routine of them going out at 8am and not returning much before 1.30pm and likes the time to do things for her.  This morning that all went out the window and to keep the situation calm, we ended up doing separate activities.  My husband took our two sons to the cinema to watch an Autism Friendly screening of Tarzan and I went to Hobbycraft with our daughter.  The couple of hours apart seemed to pacify the situation and the rest of the day passed as smoothly as it can with 2 ASD children in the house who want things their own way all the time!!

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