Thursday, 13 February 2014

Mystery of Valentine's Day

Our daughter is stressing about the fact tomorrow is Valentine’s Day as she thinks she will get no cards. Although she has sent one!  Children with ASD can struggle with making friends, let alone having to worry at the age of 10 if they conform with their peer group and have a 'boy/girlfriend'.

Apparently, everyone at school has been discussing who they are sending cards to this week and it has increased her anxiety as she doesn't feel able to join in with the discussions. At the age of 10 who wants to admit they might not get a card to their peers. She wishes Valentine’s Day had fallen in half term so that she doesn't have to be confronted with the question tomorrow 'Did you get a Valentine card?'

Unbeknown to her someone has written her a card (it's from a genuine admirer, not us) and it has been hand delivered to me today so that she has it when she wakes up. I can't wait to see the look of surprise and happiness on her face when she wakes up in the morning. It will make her day knowing that someone cared enough to send a card and she can honestly tell her peers that she did receive one, rather than feel she needs to shy away from the question.

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