Saturday, 21 December 2013

Christmas Tree

School packed up yesterday, which means it is now time to start getting ready for Christmas at home.  As our youngest son suffers a lot of anxiety around the idea of Christmas, we find it easier for him if we start getting in the Christmas mood once the school holidays have begun.  

I put the Christmas tree up whilst the kids were at school and hung the lights on it, then asked them to decorate it together when they got home from school.  This caused so many arguments, as our youngest son wanted to hang every pair of pants/boxer shorts on it that he owns and our other son was horrified at the idea.  I made the mistake of getting a book from the library called 'Aliens love Panta Claus' and read it to our youngest son.  Aliens in the book are Santa's helpers and they decorate trees with underpants and so our youngest son decided that when our Christmas tree came out of the loft, we would decorate it with pants.  I had hoped that 3 weeks later, he would have forgotten about the idea.  Whilst our two sons were arguing over what decorations were going to be put on the tree, our daughter decided she would go ahead and decorate it.  This caused a flood of tears, as everyone wanted to decorate the tree in their own way and no one agreed on anything that the other one wanted.  

In the end, I gave our eldest son the job of putting the tinsel on the tree, our daughter put the baubles and star on the top and our youngest son was allowed to put his personal touch to the tree.  He added his toy Disney planes, soft toys and one pair of clean Spiderman boxer shorts.  It may not be a conventional looking Christmas tree, but it is still standing and in previous years our youngest son has knocked it to the ground.  It will probably be back down again in less than a week, as that will be as long as our youngest son can tolerate the change to the room, but we are hoping that as he gets older, the tree can come our earlier each year.

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